Why were Americans interested in moving west to farm, ranch, and mine when they could easily do those in the current territory held by the United States?
Manifest Destiny: Using the provided resources and your textbook, answer the questions. DO NOT go to comments in the blog until you have completed the answers to the following questions in your own word processing program. I don't want you to be influenced by the observations of your peers. Provide examples and answer in complete sentences when appropriate. In order to receive credit for this assignment, questions MUST be answered thoughtfully and in MORE than one sentence
The Americans wanted to move to farm, ranch, and mine because there wasn’t enough good land to farm in the east, there wasn’t enough room to ranch in the east, and there wasn’t anything to mine in the east. The east was heavily populated and there was not much land left for anyone, so if no one moved west eventually there would be nothing left for anyone.
Many American farmers, merchants, and miners were moving West too. Merchant’s goal in moving West was to seek new markets. Miner’s purpose for traveling West was that they were searching for gold and other precious ore.
The Americans wanted to move to farm, and mine because there wasn’t enough good land to farm in the east, and there wasn’t anything to mine in the east. The east was heavily populated and there was not much land left for anyone, so if no one moved west eventually there would be nothing left for anyone.
They could not use the land in the east. But they can used the land in the west for farming, ranching, and mining.
American miners were interested in moving west because they were looking for new places to find precious metals and jewels. American farmers and ranchers were moving west because they wanted to find land that was free, unused, and land that was wide and open.
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